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Who we are

Welcoming people from all backgrounds and circumstances, St. Andrew’s is a congregation within the Presbyterian Church in Canada.  Our teachings, style of worship, and form of church government reflect this heritage.

We are part of the Protestant and Reformed family of Christian churches, stressing the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, and salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  We are a community of believers which welcomes others into our midst to enjoy stimulating discussions, fine music, fellowship lunches, outreach projects, and service to our neighbours.




Sunday worship service

Children's Sunday school

Worship service is every Sunday morning from 10:30-11:30 a.m.  Service includes praise and worship of God through song, scripture reading, Bible teaching, and prayer.


Learning about God is what our Sunday school is all about.  We have reading, coloring, singing and many more activities with the intention of making learning about God fun.  We believe that what our children learn about God when they are young will stay with them for a lifetime.




Bible study

Periodically we have small group Bible studies or video seminars usually held on a Sunday afternoon or in the evening during the week.  Everyone is invited and it is a special time for us to share and learn from each other.



    Presbyterian Church

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